TREES – by Raphael ben Levi “The story the Bible tells is in large part a tree story, as the bible both begins and ends
TREES – by Raphael ben Levi “The story the Bible tells is in large part a tree story, as the bible both begins and ends
BLESSINGS – by Raphael ben Levi God’s abundant blessings are uniquely packaged that may on occasions be concealed. Although everything works together for good for
RESPONSES – by Raphael ben Levi “If the wicked hates you, understand that it hated me first.” I Jn 15:18 Don’t be surprised when you’re
DIVIDED LOYALTIES – by Raphael ben Levi “35 Yeshua told them, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never become hungry, and
DAYS OF TROUBLE – by Raphael ben Levi “For he will conceal me in his shelter on the day of trouble; he will hide me
FIRE AND ASHES – by Raphael ben Levi “Fire hides in the ashes. If you dig deep, you’ll find it. Yet, one who seeks fire
INTEGRITY By Raphael benLevi Yeshua sent shock waves throughout Jewish orthodoxy by exposing frequent expressions of hypocrisy that was carefully concealed within an outward show
ARE YOU READY? By Raphael ben Levi Here are some interesting thoughts from the Babylonian Talmud, (Tractate Shabbath 153a) that are particularly relevant for the
LIGHT OF THE WORLD – by Raphael ben Levi There are several similarities between Hanukah (celebrated in December) and Sukkot (Tabernacles) that we will be
STORY OF RUTH – a reflection By Raphael ben Levi “Yeshua replied, I am the Bread of Life. He who comes to Me will never
THEOLOGICAL GLIMPSE OF TITHING AND OFFERINGS IN SCRIPTURE TITHING Tithing is an emotive subject among believers with extremes found from both ends of the spectrum.
TOLDOT (Generations) + VAYETZEI (And he left) By Raphael ben Levi “”Then Isaac called Jacob and blessed him, and charged him, and said to him:
By Raphael ben Levi VAYERA (And He Appeared) Gen18:1–22:24; 2 Kings 4:1–37; Luke 2:1–38 CH.18. Abram’s 3 visitors promise of son. Sodom & Gom. 10
CHAYEI SARAH (Life of Sarah) Gen 23:1–25:18; 1Kings 1:1–31; Matt.2:1–23 “Sarah lived to be 127 years old; (37 years after she had given birth to
Roger Lenk (Raphael ben Levi) is an author who has published 5 books based upon Messianic Jewish identity. The books are available for purchase from this website.